Excitement is in the air as the beloved roller-skating musical Starlight Express returns to London! Originally created by the iconic Andrew Lloyd Webber, this thrilling production is back to captivate audiences once again. To celebrate its return, This Morning sent our very own Sydney Christmas, a seasoned veteran of the show, to explore whether she still has what it takes to dazzle on skates.
The newly renovated Wimberly Park Theatre now serves as the state-of-the-art home for this extraordinary show, which has entertained over 20 million viewers worldwide. With a dedicated cast and crew of 140, Starlight Express brings Lloyd Webber’s unforgettable music to life in a fresh, immersive way.
At its core, Starlight Express tells the engaging story of anthropomorphized trains competing for the title of the fastest. In a world dominated by modern diesel and electric engines, the humble steam train, Rusty—played by JV BR Triumph—faces off against formidable opponents.
The segment’s motivation is twofold: first, the insurance company likely wouldn’t allow the show’s hosts to attempt roller skating themselves! Second, Sydney, prior to her success on Britain’s Got Talent, had a memorable stint in Starlight Express in Germany, making her return to the stage all the more poignant.
As she mingles with the talented cast, featuring Jen as Rusty and Kaa as Pearl, the chemistry between characters and the energy of the show are palpable. Their characters navigate a charming romance that unfolds against the backdrop of an exhilarating race, drawing in audiences with its heartwarming narrative.
“Expect a truly immersive experience,” Jen explained, as the stage design allows performers to skate among the audience. This unique aspect creates a thrilling atmosphere, where spectators feel the wind as the cast glides past.
With their vibrant costumes—complete with steam-emitting backpacks—Kaa and Jen reflect the creativity and energy that define the show. Kaa, celebrating her stage debut and a recent performance award, is particularly excited about the opportunity to showcase her talent in such a dynamic production.
The production’s innovative choreography is also a highlight, with choreographer Ashley Nottingham introducing contemporary techniques to revitalize the classic show. “We’re incorporating jam skating,” he explained, allowing for fluid and captivating movements that resonate with modern audiences.
As the segment progressed, Sydney took to the stage for a quick rehearsal, eager to showcase her skills once more. The atmosphere buzzed with energy and camaraderie, exemplifying the spirit of Starlight Express.
With performances running until October, Starlight Express is set to thrill and entertain once more, inviting audiences to experience the excitement of this classic roller-skating musical. Don’t miss the chance to catch this dynamic production—it’s a ride you won’t forget!